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网站公告 郑州变压器生产厂家-昌能变压器制造有限公司是山东昌能集团的核心企业,主导产品有2200kV级以下的郑州油浸式变压器,郑州干式变压器,郑州非晶合金变压器,整流变压器,电炉变压器,矿用变压器,卷铁芯变压器,船用变压器,郑州特种变压器,箱式变电站等30多个系列,1000多种规格,以及非标产品的设计和制造.
电   话:0635-8877778
传   真:0635-8871888
地   址:山东省聊城经济技术开发区华山路76号
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    安装在室外的称重郑州变压器要注意防雨防辐手 机:13969580508射。
    对于已投入时间很长的[city企业账号:1611 0032 0920 0211 034name]郑州变压器,可以用加小负载的方式,检查它的输出是否有变动,它的运动部件有可能杂物的影响,导致其输出精度降低。

Load cell is the most widely used in real life of a sensor, a lot of ordinary people at home can see, today we are concerned that industrial application of the product. Structure of the load cell itself has a solid, long-lasting benefits, but in using the installation process if not careful, it will also affect the performance of the play.
     For small measurement sensor, it should be avoided under attack, this will affect its future measurement昌能变压器制造有限公司拥有变压器制造所需的生产设备、检验设备共500多台套,主要设备有:全自动铁芯纵横剪切线,400kW煤油汽相干燥设备,160t桥式吊车,100t桥式吊车,1000t热压机,500t油压折边机,大型线圈压床,1800kV冲击电压发生器,500kVA/250kV工频试验变压器,1000kVA中频发电机组,局放测试设备,变压器油色谱分析仪,ABB真空滤油机,以及铁件抛丸除锈处理设备,先进的喷漆烘干室等。 accuracy. Large measure the product itself is more important important, handling time is best to use a dedicated removal tool, to reach the ground time电 话:0635-8877778 to slow down, shake it inside to avoid damage to the device, while the base to be installed horizontally, the bottom should be cleaned , can not have debris exist. Any load cell in the course of measuring the need to avoid overloading, which causes the elastic body becomes irreversible, causing permanent damage.
     Sensor in the horizontal adjustment process, it is best to use the level meter, making the installation of sensors in a unified horizontal plane, to ensure the consistency of the load they suffered.
     Sensor bolt to be used to ensure a certain degree of tightening torque, prolonged use will not become loose.
     Sensor is i联系人:刘经理nstalled as far away from high-power devices, because its own output signal is relatively weak, typically millivolts, vulnerable to interference. In this case, the sensor covers up, choose the output signal transmission with shielded twisted pair cable, its performance will be better. Even when laying cables and power cables to avoid parallel laying. Must be placed in parallel, when the distance between them must be greater than 50 cm, while the signal cable to use professional tube to protect the cable shield must be grounded and not a single measure of ground and power lines.
     Load cell installed in the outdoor rain to pay attention to radiation.
     For a long time has been put into the sensor, plus a small load can be a way to check whether there are changes in its output, its moving parts may be debris impact, resulting in lower output accuracy.

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联系人:刘经理 电话:0635-8877778 手机:13969580508 传真:0635-8871888 
地址:山东省聊城经济技术开发区华山路76号 技术支持:互联纵横